( number of products: 141 )You save0,64 PLN

Blue Spike Speedwell 0.1g (Veronica spicata)

Bundle of 20 Agrocybe aegerita (Piopino) mycelium plugs.
18,02 PLN / piece incl. VAT
You save0,74 PLN

Butterhead lettuce ADINAL 1g (Lactuca sativa var.capitata)
You save1,60 PLN

Butterhead lettuce MAY KING 0.5g BIO (Lactuca sativa)
You save0,95 PLN

Calendula officinalis DEJA VU mix 2g (Marigold)
You save1,16 PLN

Chinese Aster LILIPUT HI-NO-MARU 0.3g (Callistephus chinensis)

Chinese Habanero Red Pepper 0.15g (Capsicum chinense)
4,24 PLN / piece incl. VAT
You save0,59 PLN

Chives FORTEL 2g (Allium schoenoprasum)
You save1,16 PLN

Common chamomile 0.1g BIO (Matricaria chamomilla)
You save0,82 PLN

Common gourd KOBRA 1g
You save1,42 PLN

COMMUN 2 BIO Parsley Leaves 5g (Petroselinum crispum)
You save0,67 PLN

Crisp lettuce (iceberg) OLIMP 1g (Lactuca sativa var. capitata)
You save1,16 PLN

Decorative pumpkin PEAR BICOLOUR two-colored 1g (Cucurbita pepo)
You save1,36 PLN

Decorative pumpkin SWEETIE PIE 1g (Cucurbita pepo)

Decorative sunflower AMOR AMANT yellow 1g (Polish Flowers) (Helianthus annuus)
3,18 PLN / piece incl. VAT

Decorative sunflower ASTRA GOLD orange 1g (Polish Flowers) (Helianthus annuus)
3,18 PLN / piece incl. VAT

Decorative sunflower ASTRA ROSE 1g (Polish Flowers) (Helianthus annuus)
3,18 PLN / piece incl. VAT

Decorative sunflower FLOREN brown 1g (Polish Flowers) (Helianthus annuus)
3,18 PLN / piece incl. VAT
You save0,82 PLN

Dry grasses for mixed bouquets 2g
You save1,13 PLN

Dwarf two-colored Borlotto Lingua di Fuoco Nano bush bean 40g (Phaseolus vulgaris)
You save1,44 PLN

Edible carrot Berllikumer 2 BIO 5g (Daucus carota)
You save1,36 PLN

Edible Carrot Multicolor Mix 2g (Daucus carota)
You save1,42 PLN

Edible carrot NANTAISE 2 BIO 5g

Feathered Asparagus 0.5g (Asparagus plumosus nanus)
10,16 PLN / piece incl. VAT
You save1,45 PLN

French Breakfast Radish 35g BIO (Raphanus sativus var. sativus)
You save1,86 PLN

French dark purple lavender 0.03g (Lavandula stoechas)
You save1,45 PLN

Garden bean SUPERAGUADULCE 40g BIO (Vicia faba)
You save1,03 PLN

Garden dill 5g BIO (Anethum graveolens)
You save1,36 PLN

Gentian - a mix of species for rock gardens 0.02g (Gentiana sp.)

Green dwarf common bean PRESTO type flageolet 30g (Phaseolus vulgaris)
3,04 PLN / piece incl. VAT
You save0,71 PLN

Green Irish Bellflower Seedlings 0.5g (Moluccella laevis)

Ground tomato FAWORYT - FAWORYT OŻA 1g (Solanum lycopersicum L.)
3,42 PLN / piece incl. VAT
You save0,51 PLN

Leaf chicory ROSSA DI TREVISO 2 "Octopus" 0.3g (Cichorium intybus var. foliosum Hegi)
You save1,60 PLN

Leaf lettuce oakleaf SALAD BOWL 0.5g BIO (Lactuca sativa)
You save0,71 PLN

Lilac Starflower Scabious 1g (Scabiosa stellata)
You save0,67 PLN

Long red onion ROSSA LUNGA DI FIRENZE 1g (Allium cepa)

Medium-tall decorative sunflower AMOR ARNOLD yellow 2g (Polish Flowers) (Helianthus annuus)
3,18 PLN / piece incl. VAT
You save1,36 PLN

Medium-tall single sunflower for cut flower mix 3g (Helianthus annuus)
You save1,16 PLN

Mixed species cactus seeds 0.2g (Cactus sp.)
You save1,60 PLN

Mixed species of houseleeks 0.02g (Sempervivum sp.)
You save1,45 PLN

Moss Curled 2 3g BIO Parsley (Petroselinum crispum)

Nameko mushroom spawn on pegs, 20 pieces (Pholiota nameko)
18,02 PLN / piece incl. VAT
You save1,43 PLN

Organic Half-long Root Parsley 3g (Petroselinum crispum)
You save1,52 PLN

Organic shelling pea seeds PROGRESS 9 30g BIO (Pisum sativum)
You save0,64 PLN

Ornamental pumpkin SULTAN TURBAN 2g (Cucurbita maxima)

Pickling cucumber ALICE F1 hybrid 2g (Cucumis sativus)
4,06 PLN / piece incl. VAT
You save0,82 PLN

Pink-purple spike gayfeather 0.2g (Liatris spicata)
You save50,70 PLN

Pocket Set tool organizer for gardening tools.
You save1,03 PLN

POUPILA pepper 0.5g (Capsicum annuum)
You save0,83 PLN

Radish CANDELA DI FUOCO 2g (Raphanus sativus var. sativus)
You save0,83 PLN

Radish VIOLA 2g (Raphanus sativus var. sativus)
You save1,60 PLN

Salad cucumber DAR 2g BIO (Cucumis sativus)
You save1,49 PLN

SAXA 2 Radish 5g BIO (Raphanus sativus var. sativus)
You save0,64 PLN

Shining Gazania Mix 0.3g (Gazania splendens)
You save0,95 PLN

Silver-blue fescue 0.2g (Festuca glauca)
You save1,16 PLN

Small Spoon Decorative Pumpkin 1g (Cucurbita pepo)
You save14,10 PLN

Small sports waist bag for women and men.
You save5,40 PLN

Stevia SWEETHEART 0.008g (Stevia rebaudiana)
You save1,52 PLN

Sugar Snap Pea NORLI 15g BIO (Pisum sativum)
You save0,64 PLN

Swan River Daisy mix of colors 0.2g (Brachycome iberidifolia)

Sweet Basil Blend of Varieties 0.5g (Ocimum basilicum)
2,72 PLN / piece incl. VAT
You save0,80 PLN

Swiss Chard BRIGHT LIGHTS 3g (Beta vulgaris sub. cicia)
You save0,95 PLN

Swiss Giant Pansy ROCOCO mixed colors 0.4g (Viola x wittrockiana)
You save0,71 PLN

Tall Single Decorative Sunflower Mix 3g (Helianthus annuus)

TOMELLOSO pepper hybrid F1 PROFI 20 seeds (Capsicum annuum)
20,52 PLN / piece incl. VAT
You save1,89 PLN

Tray - base TB / VP 53/1
You save17,12 PLN

You save0,71 PLN

Warty decorative pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo)
You save0,85 PLN

Winter Giant Spinach - Winter Giant Spinach OŻA 20g (Spinacia oleracea)
You save9,66 PLN

Winter Giant Spinach - Winter Giant Spinach OŻA 500g
You save27,00 PLN

Women's and men's work pants overalls
170-179 Medium170-179 Large170-179 Extra Large170-179 Double Extra Large180-189 Large180-189 Extra Large180-189 Double Extra Large

Zucchini Pumpkin BRILLANTE common hybrid F1 PROFI 15 seeds (Cucurbita pepo)
10,20 PLN / piece incl. VAT
You save1,60 PLN