( number of products: 29 )You save0,57 PLN

Alpine Edelweiss 0.1g (Leontopodium alpinum)
You save0,49 PLN

Blue forget-me-not 0.3g (Myosotis sylvatica)
You save0,74 PLN

Carpathian Bellflower Blue 0.5g (Campanula carpatica)
You save0,71 PLN

Caucasian Widow Mix 0.3g (Scabiosa caucasica)
You save0,62 PLN

Garden primrose mix 0.1g (Primula elatior)
You save1,36 PLN

Gentian - a mix of species for rock gardens 0.02g (Gentiana sp.)
You save0,71 PLN

Lobelia MIDNIGHT BLUE purple 0.2g (Lobelia erinus)
You save1,60 PLN

Mixed species of houseleeks 0.02g (Sempervivum sp.)
You save0,49 PLN

Mrozy SILVERDUST 0.2g (Cineraria maritima)
You save0,49 PLN

Pink forget-me-not 0.2g (Myosotis sylvatica)
You save0,74 PLN

Pink Sand Thyme 0.2g (Thymus serpyllum)
You save0,57 PLN

Pink soapwort 0.8g (Saponaria ocymoides)
You save0,82 PLN

Pink-purple spike gayfeather 0.2g (Liatris spicata)
You save0,55 PLN

Samwitalia 0.3g (Sanvitalia procumbens)
You save0,64 PLN

Shining Gazania Mix 0.3g (Gazania splendens)
You save0,95 PLN

Silver-blue fescue 0.2g (Festuca glauca)
You save0,49 PLN

Single Mixed Feathered Carnation 0.5g (Dianthus plumarius)
You save0,95 PLN

Swiss Giant Pansy ROCOCO mixed colors 0.4g (Viola x wittrockiana)
You save0,80 PLN

Swiss pansy mix of colors 0.8g (Viola wittrockiana)
You save0,49 PLN

White mouse-ear chickweed 0.5g (Cerastium bibersteinii)
You save0,57 PLN

White rockcress 0.3g (Arabis caucasica)
You save0,52 PLN