( number of products: 695 )You save0,57 PLN

1g of medicinal sage (Salvia officinalis)
You save0,73 PLN

2g of Common Marigold (Calendula officinalis)
You save0,53 PLN

3g of yellow marigold (Calendula officinalis fi. pl.)
You save0,47 PLN

Alpine Edelweiss 0.1g (Leontopodium alpinum)
You save0,61 PLN

Annual mix of Malva 1g (Althaea rosea
You save0,52 PLN

Annual Rocket Arugula Wild Rocket Seeds 0.5g (Eruca sativa)
You save0,48 PLN

Annual Rocket Arugula Wild Rocket Seeds 0.5g (Eruca sativa)
You save0,91 PLN

ARGENTEUIL Asparagus 2g (Asparagus officinalis)
You save0,54 PLN

Artichoke GROS VERT DE LAON 1g (Cynara scolymus)
You save0,44 PLN

Baby's breath, durable white 0.5g (Gypsophila paniculata)
You save0,41 PLN

Balsam impatiens mix 1g (Impatiens balsamina
You save0,60 PLN

Basil FINE VERDE 0.5g (Ocimum basilicum)
You save0,89 PLN

Bear garlic 0.5g (Allium ursinum)
You save6,10 PLN

Beefsteak Tomato MALINOWY OLBRZYM 10g (Solanum lycopersicum L.)
You save0,81 PLN

Beefsteak Tomato MALINOWY OLBRZYM 1g (Solanum lycopersicum L.)
You save0,51 PLN

Black Dark Purple Hollyhock 1g (Althaea rosea var. nigra)
You save0,51 PLN

Black Radish MURZYNKA-MURZYNKA OŻA 5g (Raphanus sativus var. niger)
You save0,66 PLN

Blue Climbing Cobaea 0.5g (Cobaea scandens)
You save0,51 PLN

Blue Flax (Linum perenne) lasts for one year.
You save0,41 PLN