( number of products: 14 )You save0,82 PLN

Common gourd KOBRA 1g
You save1,60 PLN

Decorative cucumber mix of species 0.3g (Cucumis sp.)
You save1,16 PLN

Decorative pumpkin PEAR BICOLOUR two-colored 1g (Cucurbita pepo)

Feathered Asparagus 0.5g (Asparagus plumosus nanus)
10,16 PLN / piece incl. VAT
You save1,86 PLN

French dark purple lavender 0.03g (Lavandula stoechas)
You save0,66 PLN

Medical lavender 0.2g (Lavandula officinalis)
You save1,60 PLN

Mixed species of houseleeks 0.02g (Sempervivum sp.)
You save0,71 PLN

Pink Common Teasel 0.5g (Dipsacus sativus)
You save1,16 PLN

Small Spoon Decorative Pumpkin 1g (Cucurbita pepo)
You save0,71 PLN

Warty decorative pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo)
You save0,49 PLN