( number of products: 14 )You save0,53 PLN

Common cornsalad 0.1g (Valerianella officinalis)
You save0,75 PLN

Daisy POMPONETTE mix 0.2g (Bellis perennis Pomponette)
You save0,61 PLN

Leaf beet LUCULLUS 5g (Beta vulgaris sub. cicia)
You save0,56 PLN

Leaf beet RHUBARB CHARD 3g (Beta vulgaris sub. cicia)
You save0,56 PLN

Leaf chicory PALLA ROSSA 3 0.5g (Cichorium intybus var. foliosum)
You save0,59 PLN

Pink Common Teasel 0.5g (Dipsacus sativus)
You save0,79 PLN

Swiss Giant Pansy ROCOCO mixed colors 0.4g (Viola x wittrockiana)
You save0,67 PLN

Swiss pansy mix of colors 0.8g (Viola wittrockiana)
You save0,78 PLN