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Shining Gazania Mix 0.3g (Gazania splendens)
Shining Gazania Mix 0.3g
Gazania splendens
An annual plant growing up to 20-25 cm tall with large flowers in shades of yellow, orange, pink, or brown.
Sow in February-March in warm conditions. Cover the seeds with a thin layer of soil and provide a temperature of 25 degrees Celsius and appropriate humidity. Germination takes about 2 weeks. Plant in a permanent location in mid-May with a spacing of 25x30 cm. Requires a sunny and dry position. Blooms from June to late autumn. Suitable for flower beds, rock gardens, balconies, and cut flowers.
On the back of each package there is information about the description of the plant, the weight or quantity of seeds, the sowing date of the seeds from a given batch and tips on growing the plant.
On each package there is also information that "The packaging serves as evidence for the complaint". When opening the packaging, remember not to cut off or tear off important parts that contain information on it - e.g. batch numbers, sowing dates, etc.
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