( number of products: 143 )You save0,58 PLN

Annual Rocket Arugula Wild Rocket Seeds 0.5g (Eruca sativa)
You save0,65 PLN

Artichoke GROS VERT DE LAON 1g (Cynara scolymus)
You save0,64 PLN

Blue Spike Speedwell 0.1g (Veronica spicata)
You save3,38 PLN

Broccoli EARLU PURPLE SPROUTING 1g (Brassica oleracea italica)

Bundle of 20 Agrocybe aegerita (Piopino) mycelium plugs.
18,02 PLN / piece incl. VAT
You save1,60 PLN

Butterhead lettuce MAY KING 0.5g BIO (Lactuca sativa)
You save1,16 PLN

Butterhead lettuce SANGUINE AMELIOREE 1g (Lactuca sativa)
You save0,76 PLN

Butternut Squash 2g (Cucurbita moschata)
You save0,95 PLN

Calendula officinalis DEJA VU mix 2g (Marigold)
You save0,72 PLN

Calendula officinalis GREENHEART "Green Heart" mix 2g (Marigold)
You save0,75 PLN

Canary Creeper Yellow 2g (Tropaeolum peregrinum)
You save1,36 PLN

Cauliflower DI SICILIA VIOLETTO 1g (Brassica oleracea convar. botrytis var. botrytis)
You save1,16 PLN

Chinese Aster LILIPUT HI-NO-MARU 0.3g (Callistephus chinensis)
You save0,82 PLN

Chinese cabbage PAK CHOI 1g (Brassica rapa ssp. chinensis)

Chinese Habanero Red Pepper 0.15g (Capsicum chinense)
4,24 PLN / piece incl. VAT
You save1,16 PLN

Common chamomile 0.1g BIO (Matricaria chamomilla)
You save0,82 PLN

Common gourd KOBRA 1g
You save1,42 PLN

COMMUN 2 BIO Parsley Leaves 5g (Petroselinum crispum)
You save1,60 PLN

Decorative cucumber mix of species 0.3g (Cucumis sp.)
You save1,16 PLN

Decorative pumpkin PEAR BICOLOUR two-colored 1g (Cucurbita pepo)
You save1,36 PLN

Decorative pumpkin SWEETIE PIE 1g (Cucurbita pepo)

Decorative sunflower AMOR AMANT yellow 1g (Polish Flowers) (Helianthus annuus)
3,18 PLN / piece incl. VAT

Decorative sunflower ASTRA GOLD orange 1g (Polish Flowers) (Helianthus annuus)
3,18 PLN / piece incl. VAT