( number of products: 523 )You save0,58 PLN

Low-growing PIRATE marigold with honey-mahogany double flowers, 1g (Tagetes patula nana fl. pl.)
You save0,58 PLN

Low-growing TANGERINE orange French marigold 1g (Tagetes patula nana fl. pl.)
You save0,58 PLN

Marigold Full Tall HAWAII Orange 1g (Tagetes erecta fl. pl.)
You save0,58 PLN

Marigold full tall MARY HELEN lemon yellow 1g (Tagetes erecta fl. pl.)
You save0,58 PLN

Marigold Full Tall Mix 1g (Tagetes erecta fl. pl.)
You save0,73 PLN

Marjoram 1g (Origanum majorana)
You save0,86 PLN

MARMANDE Beefsteak Tomato 1g (Solanum lycopersicum L.)
You save0,88 PLN

Marshmallow Althea officinalis 0.5g
You save0,61 PLN

Marvel of Peru mix 2g (Mirabilis jalopa)
You save0,66 PLN

Medical lavender 0.2g (Lavandula officinalis)
You save0,66 PLN

Medical Melissa 0.3g (Melissa officinalis)

Medium-tall decorative sunflower AMOR ARNOLD yellow 2g (Polish Flowers) (Helianthus annuus)
3,18 PLN / piece incl. VAT
You save0,95 PLN

Medium-tall single sunflower AMOR 3g (Helianthus annuus)
You save1,36 PLN

Medium-tall single sunflower for cut flower mix 3g (Helianthus annuus)
You save0,94 PLN

Melon cucumber CAROSELLO BARESE 2g (Cucumis adzur)
You save0,74 PLN

Mid-high kale HALBHOHER GRUNER KRAUSER 5g (Brassica oleracea L. convar. acephala)
You save0,85 PLN

Mixed Monarda 0.1g (Monarda didyma)
You save1,16 PLN

Mixed species cactus seeds 0.2g (Cactus sp.)
You save1,60 PLN

Mixed species of houseleeks 0.02g (Sempervivum sp.)
You save1,45 PLN

Moss Curled 2 3g BIO Parsley (Petroselinum crispum)
You save0,82 PLN

Moss Curled 2 Parsley (Petroselinum crispum convar. crispum) 5g
You save0,49 PLN

Mrozy SILVERDUST 0.2g (Cineraria maritima)
You save0,92 PLN

MUSCADE DE PROVENCE pumpkin 3g (Cucurbita moschata)
You save0,92 PLN

Mustard Cabbage Mizuna GREEN FIRE F1 0.3g (Brassica juncea var. integrifolia)

Nameko mushroom spawn on pegs, 20 pieces (Pholiota nameko)
18,02 PLN / piece incl. VAT
You save0,71 PLN

Narrow-leaved marigold STARFIRE color mix 0.5g (Tagetes tenuifolia)
You save0,58 PLN

Needle Aster Mixed Colors 0.8g (Callistephus chinensis fl. pl.)
You save0,45 PLN