Nameko mushroom spawn on pegs, 20 pieces (Pholiota nameko)
Mycelium on pegs - Nameko mushroom
Pholiata nameko
The Nameko mushroom is classified as a medicinal mushroom that strengthens the immune system and adds energy. The tasty honey-colored caps can be added to soups and meat dishes.
Cultivation: Nameko mushrooms are best cultivated in the summer on healthy and fresh deciduous tree trunks (oak, beech) with a diameter of 8-15 cm. Holes of the same diameter and length as the pegs included in the package should be drilled into the prepared trunk. Then, the pegs should be placed in the drilled holes. The inoculated trunks should be wrapped in foil and stored in a warm (20-30 degrees C), humid, and shaded place. Fruiting bodies appear within 2 to 6 months, depending on the type and diameter of the trunk. The larger the diameter of the trunk, the later the fruiting bodies appear.
The planning process takes 3-5 years.
NOTE! The white coating on the pegs is a normal characteristic of the product.
On the back of each package there is information about the description of the plant, the weight or quantity of seeds, the sowing date of the seeds from a given batch and tips on growing the plant.
On each package there is also information that "The packaging serves as evidence for the complaint". When opening the packaging, remember not to cut off or tear off important parts that contain information on it - e.g. batch numbers, sowing dates, etc.