( number of products: 238 )
Chinese Habanero Red Pepper 0.15g (Capsicum chinense)
4,24 PLN / piece incl. VAT
You save1,16 PLN

Common chamomile 0.1g BIO (Matricaria chamomilla)
You save1,42 PLN

COMMUN 2 BIO Parsley Leaves 5g (Petroselinum crispum)
You save1,60 PLN

Decorative cucumber mix of species 0.3g (Cucumis sp.)

Feathered Asparagus 0.5g (Asparagus plumosus nanus)
10,16 PLN / piece incl. VAT
You save1,45 PLN

French Breakfast Radish 35g BIO (Raphanus sativus var. sativus)
You save1,45 PLN

Garden bean SUPERAGUADULCE 40g BIO (Vicia faba)
You save1,03 PLN

Garden dill 5g BIO (Anethum graveolens)

Green dwarf common bean PRESTO type flageolet 30g (Phaseolus vulgaris)
3,04 PLN / piece incl. VAT
You save1,60 PLN

Leaf lettuce oakleaf SALAD BOWL 0.5g BIO (Lactuca sativa)
You save1,45 PLN

Moss Curled 2 3g BIO Parsley (Petroselinum crispum)
You save1,43 PLN

Organic Half-long Root Parsley 3g (Petroselinum crispum)
You save1,52 PLN

Organic shelling pea seeds PROGRESS 9 30g BIO (Pisum sativum)
You save1,49 PLN

SAXA 2 Radish 5g BIO (Raphanus sativus var. sativus)
You save5,40 PLN

Stevia SWEETHEART 0.008g (Stevia rebaudiana)
You save1,52 PLN

Sugar Snap Pea NORLI 15g BIO (Pisum sativum)

Sweet Basil Blend of Varieties 0.5g (Ocimum basilicum)
2,72 PLN / piece incl. VAT
You save1,42 PLN

Winter onion TONDA MUSONA 2g BIO (Allium cepa group Cepa)
You save1,60 PLN