Edible Musk Okra, Edible Hibiscus BURGUNDY 2g (Hibiscus esculentus)
Okra, also known as edible hibiscus, is an interesting annual plant with upright stems that can grow up to 1m in length. It can be used as a vegetable, ornamental plant, and herb. In the summer, yellow flowers with red spots on the petals grow from the leaf axils. The fruit is a finger-shaped capsule that can grow up to 30cm in length and is burgundy in color. The fruit should be harvested when it is still immature and soft, as it is then a delicate vegetable. It can be boiled, fried, stewed, dried, pickled, and preserved. When cooked, it becomes sticky, making it recommended as an ingredient in dishes for people with stomach problems. It grows best in a sunny location sheltered from the wind. Sow in April and harvest from July to August.
Other names: Abelmoschus esculentus, Gombo, Gumbo, Hibiscus esculentus, Ketmia jadalna, Okro, Piżmian jadalny
Number of seeds: approx. 15 seeds per gram
Sowing time: April
Harvest time: July-August
Packaging: 2g
On the back of each package there is information about the description of the plant, the weight or quantity of seeds, the sowing date of the seeds from a given batch and tips on growing the plant.
On each package there is also information that "The packaging serves as evidence for the complaint". When opening the packaging, remember not to cut off or tear off important parts that contain information on it - e.g. batch numbers, sowing dates, etc.